256 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Mistakes and Errors Occuring in the Translation of the Council Regulation (EC) no 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings.

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    This paper deals with the analysis of mistakes and errors in the translation of the Council Regulation (EC) no 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings from English into Polish. This article presents a selection of examples from English and French versions together with their incorrect translations into Polish by UKIE with the author?s suggestions of correct equivalents. There is also a short description of the spotted types of language and translation method applied (or no translation method applied), syntactic and grammatical differences in Polish and English, as well as culturally-conditioned differences in Polish and English legal realities. This paper deals with the analysis of mistakes and errors in the translation of the Council Regulation (EC) no 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings from English into Polish. This article presents a selection of examples from English and French versions together with their incorrect translations into Polish by UKIE with the author?s suggestions of correct equivalents. There is also a short description of the spotted types of language and translation method applied (or no translation method applied), syntactic and grammatical differences in Polish and English, as well as culturally-conditioned differences in Polish and English legal realities

    Instruments of support for Polish enterprises’ innovativeness

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    Innovativeness, as the ability to be innovative in regional, national and global environments, is nowadays the indicator of success in business. Due to rapidly changing environment, business units need to take risky measures in the field of new technologies and manufacturing techniques. Therefore, innovative activity of enterprises is supported by economic policies of countries that aim at achieving high level of innovativeness in their economies. There are various forms of instruments targeted at business units and the instruments themselves are available at various levels (a region, a country, the European Union). Enterprise output innovation may indicate varying regional needs for innovative support from the state. The aim of the article is to systematise the available forms of support for Polish enterprises and to assess regional variations in enterprise output innovation. The assessment includes 16 Polish voivodeships. Secondary information sources, such as statistics provided by the Polish Statistical Office and the Government’s reports on entrepreneurship, were used in the article. A review of Polish innovation policy instruments described on the government websites was made in order to systematise the instruments of innovation support. To assess regional output innovation variations (2014-2016), a comparative analysis of indicators such as: innovative enterprises as the share of the total industrial/service enterprises, revenues from sales of new or significantly improved products, was carried out. To define the regions with the structures similar in terms of enterprise output innovation, the agglomerative method of non-linear classification (Ward’s method) was applied. The analyses carried out allow systematising the available instruments of enterprise innovativeness support in terms of their sources of financing as well as their division into legal, financial, institutional and infrastructural instruments. The value of public support for innovative activity, in the light of public statistics, differs across regions. The assessment of enterprise output innovation also shows regional differences that seem to result from spatial aspects of development as well as from the size of public contribution. Recognition of these conditionings may have an impact on their effectiveness, while proposing and applying the instruments of Polish innovative policy


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    The article aims at characterizing selected features of the Polish and French contraact law and to be more exact the language of contracts for transferring rights to things in the aspect of translation. The author has translated and analyzed Polish and French parallel texts of contracts of lease, contracts of tenancy, contracts of lending and contracts of lease with an option to purchase. The lexical, grammatical and other features of the langauge of contracts are amply exemplified.L’objectif de l’article consiste à montrer les caractéristiques choisies de la langue du droit polonaise et française concernant les contrats de droit des obligations et notamment des contrats portant sur l’usage des biens dans la perspective de traduction. Les textes parallèles tels que les contrats de location, contrats de bail à ferme, de prêt à usage ainsi que de crédit-bail ont été traduits et analysés. L’auteur présente les caractéristiques lexicales, grammaticales ainsi que les autres traits typiques de la langue en question p. ex. expressions du temps.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie wybranych cech polskiego i francuskiego języka prawa umów prawa zobowiązań, a konkretnie umów dotyczących używania rzeczy w aspekcie translatologicznym. Tłumaczeniu i analizie poddane zostały wybrane teksty paralelne umów najmu, dzierżawy, użyczenia oraz leasingu w języku polskim i francuskim. Scharakteryzowano cechy leksykalne, gramatyczne oraz inne cechy języka umów jak np.: określenia temporalne


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    L'objectif de l'article est de prouver que la polysémie peut constituer une source d’erreurs en traduction juridique. Le présent article consiste en analyse de quatre termes juridiques français et d'erreurs résultant de la polysémie de ces termes en traduction de documents de UKIE et notamment Le règlement n° 1346/2000 du Conseil du 29 mai 2000 relatif aux procédures d’insolvabilité du français vers le polonais. La première partie de l'article est concentrée sur la présentation de la notion d'erreur et de la typologie d'erreurs en traduction. Puis, la définition de polysémie ainsi que des erreurs résultant de la polysémie ont été abordées. Dans la deuxième partie, l'auteur présente les tableaux à trois colonnes avec la comparaison d’extraits en deux langues du règlement n°1346/2000 contenant les termes polysémiques français qui ont posé le plus de problèmes aux traducteurs du Règlement (CE) nº 1346/2000 relatif aux procédures d’insolvabilité. De plus, une version corrigée a été proposée par l’auteur. Cette partie de l'article contient aussi la présentation des différentes significations de ces termes et le commentaire de l'auteur à propos d'erreurs résultant de la polysémieNiniejszy artykuł ma na celu wykazanie, że zjawisko polisemii bardzo często przyczynia się do powstawania błędów w przekładzie prawniczym. Analizie poddano cztery francuskie terminy prawne oraz ich błędne tłumaczenie wynikające z polisemii, występujące w tłumaczeniu rozporządzenia unijnego z języka francuskiego na polski, a mianowicie Rozporządzenia Rady (WE) nr 1346/2000 z dnia 29 maja 2000r. w sprawie postępowania upadłościowego, sporządzonego przez UKIE w 2004 r. W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono pojęcie błędu oraz przedstawiono typologię błędów w przekładzie. Następnie, skoncentrowano się na definicji polisemii, jak również na błędach wynikających z tego zjawiska. Autorka dokonała porównania fragmentów rozporządzenia w wersji francuskiej i w wersji polskiej (w formie tabel), wyszczególniła występujące w nich francuskie terminy polisemiczne, które przysporzyły najwięcej trudności tłumaczom tego rozporządzenia. Autorka zaproponowała poprawną wersję tłumaczenia, podała różne znaczenia omawianych terminów oraz scharakteryzowała wybrane błędy wynikające ze zjawiska polisemii.The aim of this paper is to prove that polysemy can be a source of translation problems in legal translation. This paper deals with the analysis of errors and mistakes resulting from polysemy which have been noticed in the Polish translation of the EU regulation, namely The Council Regulation (EC) no 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings from French into Polish. In the first part, the article presents the definition and typology of errors and mistakes in legal translation. In the second part, the author focuses her attention on polysemy and the errors and mistakes connected with the phenomenon of polysemy. The author presents a juxtaposition of French and Polish versions of the analyzed Regulation and points out French polysemic terms found in this Regulation. The examples of translation problems resulting from polysemy have been discussed. The corrected version of the Regulation translation into Polish has also been presented


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    Artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniu umowy dzierżawy obwodu łowieckiego w aspekcie translatologicznym polsko-francuskim i francusko-polskim. Autorka dokonuje charakterystyki instytucji dzierżawy obwodu łowieckiego w prawie polskim i francuskim, wymienia typowe klauzule umowne właściwe dla obydwu umów oraz wskazuje podobieństwa i różnice na poziomie makro- i mikrostruktury analizowanych umów dzierżawy istotne w punktu widzenia przekładu. W badaniach, autorka posługuje się metodą porównawczą tekstów paralelnych (Delisle 2006) oraz bazuje na modelu pragmatycznego tłumaczenia terminów prawnych (Kierzkowska 2002) opartym na teorii skoposu Vermeera (1978, 2001). Autorka zaprezentowała także przykładowe tłumaczenie umowy dzierżawy obwodu łowieckiego oraz bail de chasse.This paper deals with Hunting District Lease Agreement in Polish-French and French-Polish translation. The author characterizes the institution of Hunting District Lease in the Polish and French legal systems, distinguishes the typical contractual clauses in both languages Polish and presents the similarities and the differences on the level of the macro- and microstructure of the analyzed texts of agreements which are very important from the translative perspective. In her research the author applies the method of parallel text comparison (Delisle 2006) and the model of pragmatic translation of legal terms described by Kierzkowska (2002) based on the skopos theory of translation by Vermeer (1978, 2001). The examples of translation of the Hunting District Lease Agreement in Polish and French are also presented


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    The objective of this paper is to illustrate the phenomenon of polysemy in Polish and French legal language. The first part of the article deals with the definition of polysemy. In the second part, the author focuses her attention on polysemy in legal translation. The distinction between linguistic and legal polysemy (polysémie linguistique, polysémie juridique) is also presented (Sourioux, Lerat 1975). The examples of polysemic words with their multiple meanings have been indicated.Le présent article aborde la problématique de la polysémie dans le langage du droit polonais et français. La première partie de l'article présente les définitions concernant le phénomène de la polysémie. Dans la partie suivante de l'article, la polysémie est analysée du point de vue de la traduction juridique. L'auteur attire l'attention sur les deux types de polysémie, à savoir la polysémie linguistique et juridique (Sourioux, Lerat 1975, 93). Les deux types de polysémie mentionnés ci-dessus ont été illustrés par les exemples en langue polonaise et française. Les termes polysémiques ont été présentés dans les tableaux. L'auteur souligne aussi les diverses significations de termes polysémiques analysés, présentés dans des colonnes séparées pour mieux illustrer le phénomène de la polysémie.Niniejszy artykuł porusza problematykę polisemii w polskim i francuskim języku prawa. W pierwszej części artykułu zdefiniowano zjawisko polisemii W kolejnej części podjęto analizę wieloznaczności polisemicznej z punktu widzenia przekładu prawniczego. Skoncentrowano się głównie na dwóch rodzajach polisemii, a mianowicie polisemii językowej oraz polisemii prawniczej (Sourioux, Lerat 1975, 95). Autorka zobrazowała wspomniane typy polisemii przykładami w języku polskim oraz francuskim. Terminy polisemiczne zostały zamieszczone w tabelach, a różne znaczenia danego terminu polisemicznego pogrupowano w oddzielnych kolumnach, aby lepiej zilustrować wielość znaczeń


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    Acinetobacter baumannii: biology and drug resistance — role of carbapenemases

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative, glucose-non-fermenting, oxidase-negative coccobacillus, most commonly associated with the hospital settings. The ability to survive in adverse environmental conditions as well as high level of natural and acquired antimicrobial resistance make A. baumannii one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. While carbapenems have long been considered as antimicrobials of last-resort, the rates of clinical A. baumannii strains resistant to these antibiotics are increasing worldwide. Carbapenem resistance among A. baumannii is conferred by coexisting mechanisms including: decrease in permeability of the outer membrane, efflux pumps, production of beta-lactamases, and modification of penicillin-binding proteins. The most prevalent mechanism of carbapenem resistance among A. baumannii is associated with carbapenem-hydro­lysing enzymes that belong to Ambler class D and B beta-lactamases. In addition, there have also been reports of resistance mediated by selected Ambler class A carbapenemases among A. baumannii strains. Resistance determinants in A. baumannii are located on chromosome and plasmids, while acquisition of new mechanisms can be mediated by insertion sequences, integrons, transposons, and plasmids. Clinical relevance of carbapen­em resistance among strains isolated from infected patients, carriers and hospital environment underlines the need for carbapenemase screening. Currently available methods vary in principle, accuracy and efficiency. The techniques that deserve particular attention belong to both easily accessible unsophisticated methods as well as advanced techniques based on mass spectrometry or molecular biology. While carbapenemases limit the therapeutic options in A. baumannii infections, studies concerning novel beta-lactamase inhibitors offer a new insight into effective therapy

    Problems of specialist translations on examples of texts from domains like biology, biotechnology and medicine

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    This article deals with the analysis of problems in translation of EU directives from English into Polish. The examples were taken from three directives regulating medicine, biology and biotechnology-related matters. The authors have discussed the translation problems and classified mistakes and errors identified in the Polish-language versions and have given their translation suggestions. A short description of characteristic features of selected problems has been given. The authors also discuss the main roots of problems occurring in translations of texts formulated in more than one LSP. This article deals with the analysis of problems in translation of EU directives from English into Polish. The examples were taken from three directives regulating medicine, biology and biotechnology-related matters. The authors have discussed the translation problems and classified mistakes and errors identified in the Polish-language versions and have given their translation suggestions. A short description of characteristic features of selected problems has been given. The authors also discuss the main roots of problems occurring in translations of texts formulated in more than one LSP

    Evaluation of "in vitro" tigecycline activity against multidrug resistant "Acinetobacter Baumannii" clinical isolates from Poland

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a major cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. Therapeutic optionsin management of this bacteria are limited. Tigecycline is considered as an alternative treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strains, however this resistance has emerged recently. Another growing problem is a lack of international consensus between U.S. FDA and EUCAST recommendations, regarding tigecycline breakpoints for Acinetobacter spp., and frequently off-label use. The aim of the present study was to assess the in vitro susceptibility to tigecycline and other antimicrobials, routinely used in the treatment of infections, among 155 A. baumannii isolates, collected between 2008-2013 from a hospital in Poland. The most active agent against the tested MDR strains was colistin (99.3% susceptible isolates). Our study has shown a low efficiency of tigecycline, with 74.2% of non-susceptible strains (according to the U.S. FDA guidelines). Tigecycline MIC values ranged from 0.125 to 48 mg/L. The MIC50 and MIC90 were 3 and 8 mg/L, respectively, and 25.8% (40) of the isolates displayed MIC = 2 mg/L. The highest percentage of tigecyclineresistant strains were noted in 2010 (56.3%). Our study revealed remarkably high tigecycline non-susceptibility rates among MDR A. baumannii isolates, therefore this antimicrobial should be administered with caution